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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Mar 5, 2022


DAY 14, March 05


“…My angel, prayer is the foundation in the center of the consecration.

In the union of prayer, God may manifest Himself to the soul to teach and guide in a specific way. It is through prayer that we may bring His Will of us into focus.

The center of preparation for the consecration is a union of prayer.

Prayer is to be a constant communion between the soul and God.

It is what shall allow solitude to caress the soul deeply.

Pray for all things to be given to you from His hand, to unburden your heart, to bring tranquillity and quiet.

When your soul has found the depths of solitude, it is then that God may write upon your heart.”



The purpose of the consecration is to unite ourselves inseparable from Our Lady. She, in turn, comes to unite every soul to Her Son, whose purpose is to bring salvation to mankind.

All Our Lady shall do, is to bring about Her donation to the mission of Her Son—the plan of salvation. Only by Her part in His plan, was she designed to follow the same flow of grace that comes from Him who sends Her. In Our Lady was created the way to fulfill this plan. She was given the position of co-redemption. All that She will ask, is to fulfill the purpose of God’s plan. Our Lady’s role is indeed the fulfillment of Her co-redeeming value in the whole plan of God. The Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart is also the fulfillment of Her place as co-redeemer. The consecration to Her heart shall lay the foundation of our soul to collaborate with the entire global plan of God.


Our Lady reminds us that the soul who shall find Her shall find a life filled with grace and eternal glory. Just as She is called the “Star of the Sea”, patroness to guide ships into port, so She guides our soul through Her Immaculate portal to the heart of Her Son.

Through Her intercession, our prayers, petitions and intentions are directed towards heaven in a special way. The power of Her intercession is so great in the manner of a command, that it is impossible that they may not be heard by her Son nor shall they be rejected. She prays continually for us and obtains all the graces for which we petition—for Her only desire is our sanctification.

Let us not neglect to have recourse in all our needs to the divine Mother, who is always prepared to assist all who invoke Her intercession. To obtain salvation, it is enough to ask the aid of Her prayers. Through our consecration, we invoke Her most powerful intercession, for we contain in this grace, Her very own Heart, intertwined with the Heart of Her Son.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary who contains invincible power, one that can conquer a multitude of sins; nothing can resist your power since the Savior regards it as His own. Dear Mother who is joined to God in saving sinners, grant to my soul your great intercession now and at the hour of my death. I place all my petitions before your feet that you may carry them into the depths of the heart of Jesus. Defend me in times of afflictions; protect me in times of despair; take pity on the miseries of my soul. O’Holy Virgin, Mediatrix of all heavens graces, dwell within my heart.

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