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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Mar 5, 2022


DAY 15, March 06


“My angel, God Father asks in the soul’s consecration, that devotion to My Immaculate Heart will be held in deep importance.

For this reason, I ask that you, pray the Rosary every day,

practice the gift of the first five Saturdays,

and give your petitions and recourse in life to Me, for I bring all to Him.

Do these things for the love of Me and know I offer all for the love of you.

Dear angel, begin each day in this way:

O’Maria, transform my heart unto Thine. Place around it a wreath of purity, adorned in virtue. Take my heart, dear Mother consecrated as your own. Present it to God Father as an offering from me to you. Help me O’Maria in each day to make your heart more known.”



The consecration is a necessary act in fulfilling Our Lady’s Triumph. Her Triumph will raise the faithful to the state of fulfillment necessary for the Reign of the Sacred Heart and together will give way to the purpose of redemption and co-redemption, the union of two hearts.

Our Lady will carry us from the consecration and through the Triumph; the Triumph shall then give the foundation for the Reign of the Sacred Heart. Within these two hearts, holds God’s plan of redeeming and co-redeeming grace for the world.


In giving our hearts to the Mother of God, let us not create an illusion within our souls that there is no cost involved. She asks us to become Her children and take Her as our Mother. It comes with a sacrifice.

First, we must truly desire to amend our lives and to reject all that is sinful, evil and worldly.

Second, it is necessary to entrust to Her our hearts, minds and the care of our soul.

Third, we must endeavour to bring others to love her Immaculate Heart.

Last, we shall remain forever at Her feet and thank the Lord unceasingly for the gift of His own Mother.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray that I receive the spirit of purity; for whatever I pray I will be granted. O’Mary, I consign my soul into Your maternal care. Obtain for me perseverance in divine grace. Grant me in my consecration the grace to recourse to You in all my temptations and in all my dangers of losing eternal life. Assist me at the hour of death, and recommend my soul into the hands of the Father. In you, I place all my confidence, trust, and conviction of a single-minded focus for the good of your Triumph.

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