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Beata Olejarczyk



DAY 20, March 12


“My angel, my angel, how happy My Heart is! At this moment, my Triumph is revealed.

I have told you that my Triumph is felt always in the heart first.

I have felt this in your hearts on this day. You grow closer and stronger, closer and stronger in Me and through your consecration. This is just as I have told you, the Holy Spirit makes the pledge fruitful.

The consecration is an act of joining and transforming the interior of your heart to God first, as well as all He has created. I ask you now to place your concentration act on My heart only. It should become so constant that I am always present in front of you.

You shall find your strength from My Heart within your heart. My angel, seek as each of you does now, to find My Immaculate Heart, and only then go forward. This is truly the gift of grace I have promised you.

I have said, I shall give you everything. This is my solemn promise. You only need what you can find within Me. This is the perfect unity of the Trinity, to where I lead you.

Find your trust and the solution to every decision within my Immaculate Heart.

I assure you, this is why I am your refuge. I give through you, the intensity of this grace for the purpose of unity, to find in Me, only in Me, your solidarity and your sense of direction.

I come to bring this direction now in such a way as to accomplish all that is necessary for this short time to its fullest state and far beyond your comprehension.

Look to find only what I have taught you, and all shall be in the desired fulfillment of God.

Remember, to remain in Me is to become one by the grace of My Immaculate Heart, and through this portal to the Heart of My Son.”



The consecration becomes a perfect renewal of our baptismal vows. In our baptism, we were given to Jesus. In our intense pronouncement of the consecration and the renewal of these vows, we are given to Jesus through Our Lady with a height of purity, because of our imitation of the heart of Our Lady. The consecration is the perfect route, designed by God.

In the consecration, we renounce all that is of evil origin, just as we have done in our baptismal vows, but now we do this in an even deeper manner, for we pledge our hearts to Jesus through Our Lady. In this way, we are giving the greatest honour to Him by honouring His greatest creation of grace.

In belonging to Our Lady, we also belong to Him.


God always desires to speak to the heart and not the mind.

The mind is filled with far too much personal will.

Our heart remains as the portal of our soul.

In essence, when Our Lady asks that we open our hearts, She also asks that our soul be opened to receive Her grace.

We find, through our consecration, that Her Heart, beating within us, shall give us the strength gained through Her own trials and sufferings. In this act, we are transformed interiorly. Our soul is moulded to be a receptacle of grace; just as God asked of Our Lady.

She asks that we keep a constant focus on Her Immaculate Heart because, by this focus, we gain Her protection and become enclosed in Her maternal embrace.

In all our daily tasks, we should seek her Immaculate heart. Our refuge is found in Her.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray in the intensity of my heart’s desire to find my refuge within your Immaculate Heart. I pray that in all things I shall seek recourse to Thee.

I look to find my solidarity and sense of direction from Your guidance and protection.

Teach me, dear Mother, to seek Your Heart in all that I think, say and do.

Fill my heart with the joys of your Triumph, that they may carry me when the times of tribulation occur. Lead this wandering soul into the depths of Your Heart, where You offer me the Love, Consolation and Compassion of the Holy Trinity.

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