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Beata Olejarczyk



DAY 21, March 12


“My angel, I bring you the joy from the Heart of my Son. Let us rejoice in all that has been fulfilled in this time. I ask that all of you remain faithful to this divine grace from heaven. If we remain one, it shall not be possible for the conceit to destruct God’s plan.

I come to bring the abundance of gifts from heaven. God the Father has sent Me to bring the most precious graces to be bestowed upon the soul – the crown of purity adorned with virtues. It is My desire to place it upon each and every child that kneels before My alcove offering their own heart.

I ask each of you to become the sign of unity to the whole world.

It is the everlasting sign of God, Three in One. All is possible through My hand, but only if you give Me your hearts.

God shall give everything to fulfill His plan. I must tell you, these times are the most urgent.

The world awaits a transformation so soon, to the extent it cannot possibly be imagined.

It is the time of the opening of heaven over the earth and the gates of hell shall be closed and removed.

It shall be by joining of hearts, your heart in the union of Our Two Hearts.

I pray that you shall accept My plea of reconciliation, union and peace. This is what you shall find in My Heart waiting for you.”



This is the time of divine grace. It is in our midst – to drink in deeply, the goodness of God’s mercy. A loving and wondrous Father has deemed to send us a mother. He knows well the tenderness of Her touch and caress. Infinite in His wisdom, He has chosen to give this gift to us.

Jesus’ Heart melted many times under the warmth of His Mother’s smile. He found comfort and protection in Her arms, and wisdom in Her words. How much love He shows us, in giving us these same moments! Her correction in times of misdirection, a smile to share in times of joy, a tear to mingle with your own in times of sorrow!

A mother’s way of teaching is His gift of love. A mother’s Heart to be held close to will nurture and help along the way. She calls us in a gentle and affectionate way to the mission of her Triumph and into the depths of Her Triumphant Immaculate Heart. Our consecration is our YES to be placed in this service.


In the consecration of our hearts, we are pledging unity for all eternity. We are also accepting the sacrifices of this mission. It is a mission of the light of truth, so it is one that is met with disdain and distaste.

We are called to become that blinding light for all to look upon, to light the path for those in darkness. We are to expose all that is not of truth.

We must also acknowledge that a half-hearted effort in this mission is one of little use.

This is a call to conviction – a certitude and unyielding belief in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In each day we must search for the assurance in our soul.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, may I find my repose in the grandeur of your Triumph. Accept my plea of reconciliation, unity and peace of heart and mind. Carry this desire to God the Father. I pray that my soul becomes so pure, that its brilliance shall blind those of evil and grace those of similar heart.

Dear Mother, open my heart further every day. Do not allow it to close even for one moment. Unfold its depths, and expose all its hidden corners that no imperfection may be permitted to remain.

I pray for the victory within my own heart first and then, let me carry this grace into the world.

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