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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Mar 13, 2022


DAY 22, March 13


“My angel, begin now as never before to listen and understand.

Today God desires to fulfill what was begun in Fatima.

The world is on the verge of receiving the power of grace from heaven as never before. God wishes to grant each soul the possibilities to gain all He rains down from above.

My Triumph is a mystical union of hearts,

a grace that cannot be seen nor heard,

but only felt and created in the depths of the soul.

Be true to this heavenly mission. I need your heart as never before. Through you now, shall come a channel of grace upon all my children who wait with open hearts.

This tide of grace shall come to engulf the soul. All impurities can be washed away if only one truly desires it to happen. I give you the key to receiving this grace. It is found in one single word from the center of your heart. Saying YES allows the soul to flourish and virtue to be instilled.

I invite each heart to respond in the most desired wish of God the Father – to become consecrated to my Immaculate Heart. It not only opens your heart to Me but more importantly to Him. Strive with all your might that not one soul would be untouched by heaven’s plea. It is the earnest desire of God the Father that the multitudes of the earth join as one within this holy bond of unity.

Come together as never before.

Join heart to heart that throughout the world would resound the union of the millions in one voice.

Respond universally, and ecumenically, to my call to be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and maternal embrace.”



The consecration is truly a mystical union of hearts. It is the unity that transforms and converts. The infusion of grace is so intense, that it is impossible for the soul to remain the same as before this promise.

A tide of virtue shall sweep over the soul, engulfing it with an ardent desire to please God by its fulfillment and dedication to His Mother’s tender wishes.

In this holy bond of unity, we are preserved for God’s service through His Mother’s heart. Since it is understood that His reign shall spill forth from Hers, we are working toward the union of their hearts. Our heart in its union with Mary’s is drawn deeply into the center of this divine union by consecration. A unity is created of divine nature in this way.

Although we remain in union with Her Immaculate Heart, we also are brought into a union with all those consecrated to Her as well.

We are then partaking in a universal union of hearts through Her Maternal Heart.


It is with utmost seriousness we should engage in this pledge. Receiving such an abundance of grace should be met with a heart filled with thanksgiving.

We should renew our consecration each day, imploring the aid of Our Lady in all the day shall bring.

We should endeavour, in each day, to bring the devotion and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to all the souls who are waiting for Her mission of the Triumph. We are called to respond globally to Her call. It is by this means that we should strive to spread Her desire for all hearts to become united. This is also a universal call to the whole of mankind.

The day of our consecration is a day of triumph and exultation. The soul is dedicated totally to the glory of God, the sanctification of self, and all sacrifices offered to bring another soul to the same awareness of these heights.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, grace my soul with an earnest motive for sincerity, purity and simplicity.

It is in these gifts found upon the soul, that I shall be able to retain the innocence of my consecration. Help me to strive with all my might to preserve the genuine response to your call, which I contain now.

May all whom I meet receive through me the genuine gift of Your Heart.

May the favours You granted me in my union with You, dear Mother, be the offering for all.

I appeal to Your Immaculate Heart to continue to direct my soul on its pursuit of serenity and tranquillity.

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