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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Apr 13


DAY 28, March 19


“My angel, know I carry great expectations from these days. Be assured that I remain with you. I ask you to bring to light the importance of God’s desire for consecration. I wait to bring the light of grace upon my children in this way.

Through an open heart, may the world become a paradise-interiorly and exteriorly.

I come to bring to the world joy, consolation, and a warning of affection.

Be with me dear angel, allow My Heart to shine forth to the world in you and through you. Be in peace of My Son.”



It was through Our Lady that the salvation of the world was begun and it is through Her, that it shall be consummated. The Holy Virgin has been made known and revealed by the Holy Spirit so that through Her Jesus would be made known and loved.

God wishes now in these latter times to make known His daughter, the masterpiece of His creation. He wishes to be glorified and praised in Her and through Her by all.

Jesus came into our midst by the portal of heaven within Her womb and She must be recognized so that Jesus may be also. So it is by Her that all souls who are to shine forth, especially in sanctity, shall find Our Lord from within Her Immaculate Heart.

No one can find Mary if they shall not seek Her. No one can desire Her and not know Her. It is then necessary that for the greater glory of God, we should fulfill His deep wish of honouring His Mother.


We should search for the face of Our Lady each morning – just as an infant looks for the face of its mother upon rising. If he is unable to locate this face, he will then begin to cry until she comes to him. This ought to also be our course toward Our Mother, Mary.

We should have no fear to cry out to Her when we are not sure of Her whereabouts.

If we feel alone, we are not to hesitate to summon Her immediately. We must search for Her hand, grasp it and hold it, and never release it. It is through our consecration that we can find Her hand amid darkness.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, You have the power to change hearts. Transform mine. Make me a child worthy of You as my Mother. I fix my gaze of hope on You. May I, each morning, search for your fair Face.

Allow through my consecration to You, that I may grasp Your hand forever.

“Mary kept in mind all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

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