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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Feb 28, 2022




“My angel, it is in the response to My call that all My children shall receive every grace they implore from My Immaculate Heart.

Your conviction, placed within the consecration to My maternal heart, allows the Holy Spirit to move within you and through you.

I remind you again, remember:

it is when you find no ground beneath your feet, you shall realize you are in flight to My embrace.

My angel, never doubt God the Father’s desire of the holy execution of My Triumph given in My words to you.

It is in this union given among My chosen, and the conformity to the will of God, that the resignation of conviction is inspired in each of your YES.”



An exceptional grace is needed to bring the soul to the state where the heavenly exchange of hearts may occur. A consuming fire is required. The consecration lifts the soul to the point where God moves toward it to raise it above the human capabilities of love. In essence, God shall lift the soul to the awareness of heaven.

The soul may move humanly to the point where God may correspond with it and attract it to the moment of exchange, but it is only God who may bring the soul over, into this spiritual level. Such divine and intense love is required to cause the transformation of the soul and the heart, to the point of the foundation necessary to perform such a miracle.

If the foundation within the soul for the consecration is not laid, the soul cannot fully move to the point it must to reach for the exchange to occur.

It is the effort on the part of the soul to nurture the desire of love for Our Lady, but only God can perform the divine act of exchange, mediating by the Act of Consecration.

The preparation should be seen just as important as the Act of Consecration itself;

otherwise, the soul cannot receive the specially designed grace that is given through the consecration.


How do fervent desires make the soul fly to God?

Good desires give strength and courage, they diminish the labour and fatigue of ascending the mountain of God. Whosoever, through difficult times in attaining sanctity, does not ardently desire to become holy, will never arrive at perfection.

From this intense desire for holiness, we must never rest but run continually so we can obtain the crown of purity adorned in virtue.

This crown is an incorruptible crown that Our Lady desires to place upon our souls through our consecration to Her Immaculate Heart.


O’Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for my heart to be opened to the grace that shall transform it into the imitation of Yours. May I obtain, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the desire to move towards love for You and that my heart may be led to the moment of exchange.

May a truly consuming fire in my heart be created and burn so brightly, that the miracle of transformation may case my heart and soul so they shall be lifted to the heights promised by God.

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