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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Welcome to THE BLESSED WORD blog.

You are probably wondering what the blessed word is, don’t you?

Every word that you read in the Bible has the power of its meaning and the power of God’s blessing. God created us out of love to share His eternal and unconditional love.

He wants us to be blessed, which means happy.

When we use the words from the Bible and the good words, not only uttering them but meaning them wholeheartedly, we become blessings to others.

We bless God, ourselves, family, and friends as well as strangers and enemies. We bless and are grateful for what we have, for what God created for us. In this way, we become the blessing and love that we all desire so much.

Instead of whining and complaining, or, worse, swearing and cursing, it is better to use words that are full of love and goodness. If we expect the world to be a better place to live, we need to become that change. Then, BE THE WORD THAT BLESSES. BE THE BLESSED WORD.

I am very happy about your visit. On the threshold of my heart let me bless you with Jesus’ Peace.

Now, you can enter and check what to expect.

First is the WORD, THE WORD OF GOD, with which I begin and end each day. Please, make yourself comfortable. I invite you for my morning coffee along with the Readings of the Day. I like the Polish sites, Mateusz and Opoka. I used to listen to Jesuits “Pray as you go” in both languages. I highly recommend you that app. It was the introduction to meditation for me to finally find my own structure. I try to attend daily Mass, so this is my way of preparing for it.


Meditations o God’s Word or Our Father's prayer is a wonderful way to calm down and enter into God’s Will for the whole day. No one else, only God can give you such peace in the heart!

I also hope, that my reflections and experience can help you to mirror your own and see that you are not lonely and you rejoice in your heart. Or, maybe, I will recognize myself in your comment and rejoice, too! Nice to meet you. I invite you to drink together with me some warm herbal tea or sit in the warm pot outside and admire the blue sky.


This is the title of a poem I wrote for children a long time ago. I have carried it in my heart since my own childhood. I was inspired by the late grandmother, Frania. Mary is my Queen and Mother and Guide, and everything I sing in the Litany of Loreto.


St. Joseph became a hero for me when I started getting to know him to a greater extent, and praying more for his intercession. TELEGRAM, LITANY AND ANCIENT PRAYER are my favourite WORDS for the meeting with the guardian of the Holy Family.


I love sister Faustina and her DIARY. Walking with her, I learn to trust God and His Merciful Love. His tender WORDS overcome the fear and lies of this world in me.


Here you will find a collection of my old poems and radio shows as well as new stories for my grandchildren.


The women I have met in my life, either in person or through various media, are an amazing blessing, a gift, a sign of God's love and care. I hope I will be able to introduce some of them so that they can inspire you as well.


Cycling is my favourite sport and relaxation, as well as a time to pray on the go and admire what God has created for us.

I invite you to talk, comment and reflect. Leave your blessed words, your inspiration to other women.

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