Thank you for your time to stop and read whatever inspires my mind. I love many things: decorating, crafting, nature & creativity in any way.
But, as much as I like whatever I do at the given time, all these things are not what defines me.

I am thrilled when I can learn new things and even more thrilled when I can share them with other women, so we can grow together on our own paths of life.
My best and most important Teacher & Friend is Jesus Christ. I belong to Him with all my heart. I meet His presence in everyday life. His WORD equals LIFE to me.

Growing in the faith is a constant process for which the WORD of GOD is a Light and a Way. We need a community to encourage each other.
I started the blog to create a network of women who live in God’s Word & want to inspire other women who long for a similar way sharing their talents and life experience, which are our blessings.
It is very important to learn to trust God and begin each day with new hope. I learn that from Saint Faustina.
Being grateful for God’s blessings is a joy which “cannot be hidden under a bowl.” We all are called by Jesus “to go and teach all nations.”
So, when you leave my blog, I hope the one thing you have noticed about me is that His WORD means LIFE to me and IT is constantly changing my heart:
🌺♥To become a better person.
🌺♥To be the change I want to see in the world.
🌺♥To live in His Word & inspire other women who long for a similar way.

While writing I pray for the blessings for you, too. Please, just open your heart and mind, and receive GOD'S WORD quoted in this blog.
"Receive with meekness the implanted WORD, which is able to save your souls."
