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Beata Olejarczyk


Updated: Feb 11, 2022

Inspired by a rose in July 2021 Recently I was working with a variety of red hues flowers. Generally, it was not my favourite palette. I am accustomed to pastels, whites, pinks, not deep, bold colours.

Freedom rose was the one that got my attention when I started reflecting petals to open the flower. Too bad I couldn't take a picture showing the real colour and texture. The gorgeous velvety petals were soooo deeply red like blood.

While working with flowers I like to listen to the Bible, prayers, or some speeches. In that busy summertime, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen got my attention as well as the 2nd Letter of St. Paul to Corinthians. So my July meditations revolved around Litany to the Blood of Jesus, Freedom, Spirit, and Victor Frankl, who wrote Man's Search For Meaning.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way (in how he approaches his circumstances).”

"Viktor Emil Frankl was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor. He was the founder of logotherapy, a school of psychotherapy that describes a search for life meaning as the central human motivational force." Wikipedia

... "and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." Have you ever compared the usage of the words "freedom & liberty" in the Bible?... in general? The freedom rose led me to reflect upon some writings of Victor Frankl, who also said:

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

That space is usually very tiny, but being aware builds the power to change our response. It takes practice to achieve any success. Everything is possible with God's help.

It also takes practice to remember to ask for help. The Blood of Jesus heal us!

The Blood of Jesus protect us!

The Blood of Jesus save us!


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