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Beata Olejarczyk


In our awakening to the descent of Your Triumph, Mother, we, Your children, united to Your Maternal call, make our promise to entrust ourselves completely to Your Immaculate Heart, so that we may share in Your Triumph.

I pray, beloved Mother, to be carried in Your Maternal arms before the Face of God the Father in Heaven, to be chosen and placed in the service of Your Son in a special way, by accepting the sacrifice for the Triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.

In this solemn Act, I, as your child, offer my YES to fight bravely on the ramparts in this final battle to fulfill the promises made to us at Fatima: Conversion of Russia, the land of your greatest victory, and thus the conversion of the entire world for the reign of global peace.

Queen of Apostles and Co-Redemptrix, lead us in the midst of the darkness of this time where the rays of Your dawn breakthrough to brighten our horizons. In the refuge of Your Immaculate Heart, as a sign that shows a safe path, lead us into the battlefield - send us fort with your sword of truth and armour of virtues, so that we become an example of the infinite Mercy and Love of God the Father.

We promise you, Mother, our fidelity to the Holy Father as the holy representative of Christ in our midst. By this entrustment, let us give him the unity of our hearts, minds and souls in order to make the Triumph of Your Immaculate Heart real, so that it may come down upon the earth during his pontificate.

As the apostle of Triumph, I vow to You, Mother, to bear witness to the divine presence of Your Son in the Holy Eucharist as a unifying force in Your mighty army. Let me find conviction, certainty, and unanimous orientation before the Blessed Sacrament. May He create a spirit of perfection in me and let His reflection shine fort to all.

O Holy Virgin of Chastity, Advocate of all graces, come into my heart, invite Your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, to make my consecration fruitful through the gifts infused with His coming.

By the power of His presence, let us remain invincible in trust, strong and persistent in prayer, fleeing into total abandonment to God the Father. Let the Holy Spirit reveal Himself throughout the world like a ripple of pronouncement of the unity of hearts.

I, _______, your child, in the presence of all the angels of your Triumph, all the saints in heaven and in union with Holy Mother Church, renew in Your hands the vows of my Baptism.

Dear Mother, I offer you all my past, present and future, joys and sorrows, prayers and sacrifices, everything that I am and everything that the Father will shape me for.

I give you, Mother, my love and commitment so that we can be united forever in YES of eternity, in the depths of Your Triumphant Immaculate Heart.


I, _______, pledge my consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


+Bishop Paolo Maria Hnilica, S.J.

My Angel, My Triumph is like the dawn breaking the darkness of the night. It is like the sun's rays as they come over the horizon - one by one they dispel the darkness and bring the daylight.

My Triumph will come, dear angel, in the same way. If only each heart is opened by the Act of Consecration, the light will sweep away the darkness. As each ray gives brilliance to the horizon in the dawn, so each heart in My possession will bring the magnificence of "glorious sunshine" upon the Earth.

Soon the light of My Heart will not be able to remain hidden by evil plots. It shall rise in the East to give light to the West. As at the beginning of the dawn, My Triumph will be seen as the morning light in the East. It will rise every moment after crossing the dark horizon. The greatest glory and light will be revealed in the center of My children's hearts.

My Triumph will then fill Heaven and shine all over the Earth, and no man will be able to doubt victory, and the darkness will not overpower it... The Covenant of the Holy Spirit will be the essence of My Triumph, which will bring the revelation of My Son's Sacred Heart. This is how the Earth will be covered with the Spirit of His Mercy and finally - with justice ...

The light in the East will become a fire, and at the center of its flame is My Jesus' Mercy.

It will come burning and devouring all hearts open to its purification. Those who are standing the highest will be the first to be defeated, and the proudest will be humbled, and none of those of a perverse nature will escape the strike of the Mighty One...

I will summon My knights to move the sky above the Earth ... I will separate the hearts strengthened by consecration from those steeped in weakness for the world.

In the darkness of the night, the soul will long for God and will seek Him, because when His judgment comes on Earth, the people of the world will understand what saving justice means.

As long as the Spirit of His Mercy is poured out from above and the backwoods become orchards, the deserts are watered, the cleansing flames will fall, everything will change as a result. The fires of purity shall reign and the trueness brings silence, peace and security forever."


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