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Beata Olejarczyk


Mama Mary is always with us. She is waiting to help us. She is very sensitive and delicate, and She always keeps Her word.

I like to observe young mothers, their smile, their pride and their tenderness towards their kids. Sometimes they look helpless when the little ones are the troublemakers, and sometimes they don't even pay attention to them.

Each age has its own rights.

Once, I also was a young mother. I grew up with my children, though. Now I am a grandmother and my heart also grew in love, joy, pride, fatigue ...

Every grandmother was once a young mother. The tiredness of a young mother, especially when there is no older woman around to help her, understand, listen ... this is the fate of many immigrants.

Do you remember your sleepless nights, concern for the future of your kids... so many different obligations to reconcile and … at the same time - so much joy to be the mother of the most wonderful child in the world!? The first one!

Hahaha. I know ... time for another baby and the same joy!

The fear that there is not enough love for two is gone!

And there is the time for the next child ... and there is no fear anymore because if there was enough LOVE for two, there would be enough for all of them.

Can you imagine how great must be Mary's love for all Her children?

She LOVES all Her children unconditionally.

Today is the First Saturday of March.

I know that you might be busy, it's Saturday after all!

First Saturday of the month! This year it is the 14th day of 33 days novena, but please, check today what your mother is asking for in Her message:

Maybe you will be able to prepare and start resting with Mom in April, resting in prayer, stopping, and meditating.

I have a booklet of the 33-day novena of entrusting one's heart to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The novena is different than the popular ones. I am writing about it... and from it in posts with forget-me-nots flowers.

I really like the reflections, especially the word of instruction (the Message) from Mary and a short meditation at the end.

So, I ended up pondering into 33 days every 33 days since 1999... with some breaks.

I am also familiar with other 33-day novenas of entrustment to Mary, but to this one, I stuck to for good. I have only one copy in Polish and one in English. I use them for translations. Only now, when I am translating one language into another back and forth I can clearly see what is the most important aspect for Mary. I also see why the warnings and the importance of the promise of peace in individual hearts and families are being fulfilled before our eyes ...

The peace in my own heart should be my first consideration. Until now, I prayed for world peace, because that seemed to be the main goal ... but this world peace is a mirror image of peace in each individual’s heart. If you and I, and everyone around us are not at peace with themselves and others, then we have what we have.

Can you handle your own stress?

Are you constantly busy, nervous, impatient ...?

Mama Mary is always with you. She is waiting to help you. She is very sensitive and delicate, and She always keeps Her word.

If not to Her, who will you go to for help?

Or maybe you just need to talk yourself out, without any advice, just like that ... Mama Mary will listen as well and She will not reveal your secrets to anyone.

Thank You, Holy Mama, Mama from the Litany of Loreto.

Mama crying over Her children, thank You that You still love us with the sea of ​​love and that You come to our closed hearts to knock and ask, as every mother asks her children, wanting to save them from themselves... only You have so many more children!

Mama, thank You for always being with us on the path of life.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your Mother = my Mother. Thank you...

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