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Beata Olejarczyk


I barely got out of the car when the phone rang. It was a local number, but no name on display. Generally, I don't pick up unknown numbers. I don’t like to get into some fake calls, but today I took a risk ... and I was lucky. Intuition! I heard the Polish voice full of contagious enthusiasm. It was a woman I know mostly by sight. She started with "angelic greetings" and praise to Mary, which completely confused me. I wondered why she was calling, but I was very happy with all the blessings she spoke so boldly over the day, life and me, too. Of course, I admired her for so much divine tenderness. Oh, I'm far from it yet! Then she got to the heart of the matter. We said goodbye quickly, because our voices drowned out in the signals of probably five police cars, passing down the street next to the parking lot where I was still standing.

An hour later, I met another woman who was very close to me. She was the first reviewer to whom I sent a link to one of my posts on this blog. We talked about many recent events, and although we were both in a hurry, we could not part. In the end, I heard nice words of encouragement to write consistently.

The morning Word somehow stuck in my heart. I wondered what these conversations meant, what part of the message are they, what surprise is God preparing for me today?

I felt very firmly in my heart that I had something to solve. And of course, one has to listen to their heart! This is my motto, contrary to all scientific views, my intuition has never failed me. Praise the Lord!

When I got home, I answered the phone of the next wise woman in my life. Since we haven't talked for a long time, after all, generalities about what is going on, we entered, or rather, we floated out into the deep conversation. And here the ride has just begun for me! What I heard was exactly God's Word addressed to me!

I knew instantly that this is my work on myself and God is not only answering my questions but sending the solution. The choice was mine! I was overwhelmed with the new lesson and joy! I knew there is a lot of deep study on my side and prayer to the Holy Spirit but I was looking forward to doing the job. I want to see the fruits very badly!

Intuitively, before going to bed, I reached for the Bible, and then again for the readings of the day. When I started looking for references, my adrenaline rose so much that I completely forgot about sleeping. The entire explanation of what I heard in practically secular language, I found in the Holy Scriptures ... and in addition, not in one, but in many places of the Bible. Before I highlighted the passages, rewritten, meditated over them, it was past midnight. I was simply delighted with my discoveries. Thank you, Holy Spirit!

What was it all about? It is not yet time for me to share this. This is a very important aspect but I have to work through it and it will take me some time and practice.

And finally, a little Word as the conclusion:

In order for us to know our call and the hope brought by heaven, our hearts must be infiltrated, flooded in the divine light of our Father, Abba.

Do you know what your calling is?

Do you stop to think about it?

Do you have time for yourself to notice in meditation how beautiful you are and how much Love Dad put on when he created you?

Can you see your reflection in His eyes?

I call it: “Getting to know yourself in the depths of your heart/soul.”

It is also important to know what qualities the Lord Jesus had in order to be able to draw closer to Him, to open our hearts to what He wants to give us and finally to desire to follow Him.

In Mk12, 13-17 we learn that the scribes themselves said that Jesus, the Teacher, is truthful and they knew it as a pure fact! They even admired Him. They also admit that He does not look at human opinions, but obeys God's Truth.

This is a very important message for us! One must not look at human opinions! After all, so many of us do it! If not in terms of appearance, clothing, education, achievements, then in other aspects we compare or believe what people say about us. The list may be longer than we want to admit at the beginning. Society creates the "truth about us", with help of someone else who fuels it with his fire of lies creating in our hearts the so-called self-image. Is the image real? Is there a word of truth?

To check that, we have to boldly place it in the light of GOD'S TRUTH. We need to immerse ourselves in His Love and get down to work to replace this deceptive trickery image with the truthful one.

"In Him was LIFE, and that life was the LIGHT of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. "

How many times a day do I or you hear Dad’s whisper telling you or me how much He loves us? How many times have I told Him that I love Him, too? Do you?

«Do not be afraid because I bought you, I called you by your name; you are mine!

Lord Jesus, I invite you to our hearts, to illuminate them with Your Light, to fill them with Your Life, to stand in the TRUTH, which will free us from lying about ourselves, which will give us new thinking and change the way we perceive ourselves.

Thank you, Lord Jesus. I accept all your Graces for my heart. Let your Name be glorified. Glory to you, Lord.

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